自愿参加(Voluntary Participation) Indicate clearly that they can choose to participate or not. State, what the alternative - in terms of the treatment offered by the clinic - will be, if they decide not to participate. State, only if it is applicable, that they will still receive all the services they usually do whether they choose to participate or not. This can be repeated and expanded upon later in the form as well, but it is important to state clearly at the beginning of the form that participation is voluntary so that the other information can be heard in this context. 明确指出他们可以选择是否参加。如果他们决定不参加,向患者说明在该门诊提供的治疗方案中,有什么其它方案可选。并且说明,无论他们是否选择参与,和通常一样都能接受到所有适用的治疗。这也可以在后面的表格中重复和扩展,在表格的一开始就明确说明自愿加入非常重要,以便其它信息能被接受。 Example: Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. It is your choice whether to participate or not. Whether you choose to participate or not, all the services you receive at this clinic will continue and nothing will change. If you choose not to participate in this research project, you will offered the treatment that is routinely offered in this clinic/hospital for disease Z, and we will tell you more about it later. You may change your mind later and stop participating even if you agreed earlier. 范例:在参与本研究完全自愿。是否参加是您的选择。无论您选择参加与否,您在该诊所的所有服务将继续下去,不会有任何变化。如果您选择不参与这一研究项目,您将接受在该诊所/医院对疾病Z的常规治疗,以后我们会告诉您更多这方面的消息。即使您先前同意加入,在以后您也可以改变主意,退出参与。 |