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[English Forum] 有奖中英文一句话互译活动

发表于 2011-10-22 00:13:49 | 只看该作者
The matters needing attention to general anesthesia induction:
Anesthesia machine, intubating appliances and aspirator should be prepared before induction.
2.核对手术病人及术前准备情况,如进禁食、麻醉前用药等。Check the patient and the information of preanesthetic preparation, such as taking food, fast and preanesthetic medi- cation.
3.病人体位、开放静脉等。Place the patient at appropriate posture and perform intravenous transfuseion.
4.监测EKG、SpO2、血压、心率、呼吸等麻醉前基础值。Monitor the basic conditions of preanesthesia, eg. EKG, SPO2, blood pressure, heart rate and respiration rate.
5.避免诱导期的过度兴奋或发生呕吐。Avoid overexitation or vomiting in the period of induction.
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发表于 2011-10-22 00:14:38 | 只看该作者
6.当病人意识消失后,应托起下颌(或头后仰)以保持呼吸道通畅及行人工呼吸。When the patient is out of awareness, lift his submaxilla (or hypsokinesis) to keep air way unobstructed and operate artificial respiration.
Many intravenous anesthetics have inhibitory action to circulation which are related to dosage and injection speed. And it shoud be injected in several times if it is necessary.

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发表于 2011-10-22 00:15:09 | 只看该作者
What is Analgesia?Analgesia is the relief of pain. It is best if analgesia can be provided to animals preemptively, or prior to the painful procedure, rather than waiting until after clinical signs of pain are observed. Analgesia is normally provided using one of several types of pharmaceutical preparations.


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发表于 2011-10-22 00:15:44 | 只看该作者
Respiration:Most anesthetics cause direct depression of the respiratory center in the brain and reduce ventilation. This is complicated by other factors that may interfere with respiration. The protective protective reflexes are lost during anesthesia. There are several ways to monitor and support the ventilation of an anesthetized animal.


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发表于 2011-10-22 00:16:50 | 只看该作者
What is Anesthesia?Anesthesia is a state of unconsciousness induced in an animal. It includes analgesia, amnesia and immobilization.

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发表于 2011-10-22 00:18:49 | 只看该作者
Anesthesia has profound effects on an animal's physiology. It is important to learn about the anesthetic and the animal’s physiology.

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发表于 2011-10-25 15:17:15 | 只看该作者
Spinal anesthesia should pay attention to what?

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受到警告 503#
发表于 2011-10-26 23:13:10 | 只看该作者
The performance of tension pneumothorax What is this?
"What are the signs of tension pneumothorax?" 会比较通顺.


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发表于 2011-10-27 02:04:48 | 只看该作者
The performance of tension pneumothorax What is this?
Pleural cavity appears Gas
Suction pressure to increase
Jugular vein engorgement
Asymmetric breath sounds
Tracheal deviation
Contralateral mediastinal shift


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发表于 2011-10-27 23:19:04 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-10-29 22:17:37 | 只看该作者
困难气道(difficult airway):具有五年以上临床麻醉经验(clinical anaesthetic experience)的麻醉科医师(anaesthesiologist)在面罩通气(facemask ventilation)时遇到了困难(上呼吸道梗阻)(Upper airway obstruction),或气管插管(tracheal intubation)时遇到了困难,或两者兼有的一种临床情况(clinical condition)。
The definition of difficult airway is : A clinical condition where an anesthesiologist with more than five years of clinical anaesthetic experience , having difficulty in maintaining face mask ventilation( upper airway obstruction ) ,or having difficulty in tracheal intubation, or having difficulty in both .

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发表于 2011-10-29 22:39:47 | 只看该作者
Abstract This article analyzes summarizes above 136 examples of 70 years old hospitalized infront ofthesurgerypatient’s  technique the
situation,the anaesthesia choice,the anaesthesia management,in the anaesthesia complication。

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发表于 2011-10-30 10:41:24 | 只看该作者
The site of metabolism and the potential to produce allergic reactions differ between ester and amide local anesthetics, making this classification of local anesthetics important.




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发表于 2011-10-30 14:34:03 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 shenxiu2 于 2011-11-24 13:03 编辑

isoflurane,an isomer of enflurane, is metabolized even more slowly than halothane or enflurane.

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发表于 2011-11-1 13:58:37 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 shenxiu2 于 2011-11-24 13:05 编辑

节号  中译文  原英文 

A亚部――总则(General Provisions) 

868.1  范围  Scope 

868.3  有关上市前批准生效日期的要求  Effective dates of requirement for premarket approval 

868.9  联邦食品、药品和化妆品法(Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act,FDCA)第510(k)节的豁免限制  Limitations of exemptions from section 510(k) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) 

B亚部――诊断器械(Diagnostic Devices) 

868.1030  手动痛觉计  Manual algesimeter 

868.1640  电动痛觉计  Powered algesimeter 

868.1075  氩气分析仪  Argon gas analyzer 

868.1100  动脉血取样工具箱  Arterial blood sampling kit 

868.1120  心内血氧基血红素浓度分析仪  Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration analyzer 

868.1150  心内血二氧化碳分压 (PCO2) 分析仪  Indwelling blood carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2) analyzer 

868.1170  心内血氢离子浓度 (pH) 分析仪  Indwelling blood hydrogen ion concentration (pH) analyzer 

868.1200  心内血氧分压 (PO2) 分析仪  Indwelling blood oxygen partial pressure (PO2) analyzer 

868.1400  二氧化碳气体分析仪  Carbon dioxide gas analyzer 

868.1430  一氧化碳气体分析仪  Carbon monoxide gas analyzer 

868.1500  安氟醚气体分析仪  Enflurane gas analyzer 

868.1575  气体收集容器  Gas collection vessel 

868.1620  氟烷气体分析仪  Halothane gas analyzer 

868.1640  氦气分析仪  Helium gas analyzer 

868.1670  氖气分析仪  Neon gas analyzer 

868.1690  氮气分析仪  Nitrogen gas analyzer 

868.1700  一氧化二氮气体分析仪  Nitrous oxide gas analyzer 

868.1720  氧气分析仪  Oxygen gas analyzer 

868.1730  耗氧量计算机  Oxygen uptake computer 

868.1750  压力体积描记器  Pressure plethysmograph 

868.1760  容量描记器  Volume plethysmograph 

868.1780  吸气呼吸道压力计  Inspiratory airway pressure meter 

868.1800  鼻气流计  Rhinoanemometer 

868.1840  诊断用肺活量计  Diagnostic spirometer 

868.1850  监测用肺活量计  Monitoring spirometer 

868.1860  肺活量测定用最大气流量计  Peak-flow meter for spirometry 

868.1870  气体容积定标器  Gas volume calibrator 

868.1880  肺功能数据计算器  Pulmonary-function data calculator 

868.1890  预测用肺功能值计算器  Predictive pulmonary-function value calculator 

868.1900  诊断用肺功能说明计算器  Diagnostic pulmonary-function interpretation calculator 

868.1910  食道听诊器  Esophageal stethoscope 

868.1920  电导体式食道听诊器  Esophageal stethoscope with electrical conductors 

868.1930  听诊器头  Stethoscope head 

868.1965  转换阀  Switching valve (ploss) 

868.1975  水蒸气分析仪  Water vapor analyzer 

C亚部――监测装置(Monitoring Devices) 

868.2025  超声空气栓子监测器  Ultrasonic air embolism monitor 

868.2300  波登表流量计  Bourdon gauge flowmeter 

868.2320  非补偿式thorpe管流量计  Uncompensated thorpe tube flowmeter 

868.2340  补偿式thorpe管流量计  Compensated thorpe tube flowmeter 

868.2350  气体校准流量计  Gas calibration flowmeter 

868.2375  呼吸频率监测器  Breathing frequency monitor 

868.2377  呼吸暂停监测器  Apnea monitor 

868.2380  氧化氮分析仪  Nitric oxide analyzer 

868.2385  二氧化氮分析仪  Nitrogen dioxide analyzer 

868.2450  肺水监测器  Lung water monitor 

868.2480  皮肤二氧化碳 (PcCO2) 监测器  Cutaneous carbon dioxide (PcCO2) monitor 

868.2500  皮肤氧气 (PcO2) 监测器  Cutaneous oxygen (PcO2) monitor 

868.2550  呼吸流速计  Pneumotachometer 

868.2600  呼吸道压力监测器  Airway pressure monitor 

868.2610  气体压力计  Gas pressure gauge 

868.2620  气体压力定标器  Gas pressure calibrator 

868.2700  压力调节器  Pressure regulator 

868.2775  末梢神经电动刺激仪  Electrical peripheral nerve stimulator 

868.2875  压差传感器  Differential pressure transducer 

868.2885  气流传感器  Gas flow transducer 

868.2900  气压传感器  Gas pressure transducer 

D-E亚部 [保留] (Reserved) 

F亚部 ――治疗设备(Therapeutic Devices) 

868.5090  紧急呼吸道针  Emergency airway needle 

868.5100  鼻咽导气管  Nasopharyngeal airway 

868.5110  口咽导气管  Oropharyngeal airway 

868.5115  减轻急性上呼吸道梗塞用设备  Device to relieve acute upper airway obstruction 

868.5120  麻醉引流导管  Anesthesia conduction catheter 

868.5130  麻醉引流过滤器  Anesthesia conduction filter 

868.5140  麻醉引流工具箱  Anesthesia conduction kit 

868.5150  麻醉引流针  Anesthesia conduction needle 

868.5160  麻醉或痛觉丧失用气体麻醉机  Gas machine for anesthesia or analgesia 

868.5165  氧化氮给药装置  Nitric oxide administration apparatus 

868.5170  喉气管局部麻醉涂药器  Laryngotracheal topical anesthesia applicator 

868.5180  摇床  Rocking bed 

868.5220  吹气瓶  Blow bottle 

868.5240  麻醉呼吸管路  Anesthesia breathing circuit 

868.5250  呼吸管路循环器  Breathing circuit circulator 

868.5260  呼吸管路细菌过滤器  Breathing circuit bacterial filter 

868.5270  呼吸系统加热器  Breathing system heater 

868.5280  呼吸管支撑物  Breathing tube support 

868.5300  二氧化碳吸收剂  Carbon dioxide absorbent 

868.5310  二氧化碳吸收体  Carbon dioxide absorber 

868.5320  储气袋  Reservoir bag 

868.5330  呼吸气体混合器  Breathing gas mixer 

868.5340  鼻氧套管  Nasal oxygen cannula 

868.5350  鼻氧导管  Nasal oxygen catheter 

868.5365  心脏或肺部治疗用体位椅  Posture chair for cardiac or pulmonary treatment 

868.5375  加热和湿气冷凝器 (人造鼻)  Heat and moisture condenser (artificial nose) 

868.5400  电麻醉装置  Electroanesthesia apparatus 

868.5420  乙醚钩  Ether hook 

868.5430  气体净化装置  Gas-scavenging apparatus 

868.5440  便携式氧发生器  Portable oxygen generator 

868.5450  呼吸气体增湿器  Respiratory gas humidifier 

868.5460  家用治疗增湿器  Therapeutic humidifier for home use 

868.5470  高压舱  Hyperbaric chamber 

868.5530  柔韧性喉镜  Flexible laryngoscope 

868.5540  刚性喉镜  Rigid laryngoscope 

868.5550  麻醉剂防毒面罩  Anesthetic gas mask 

868.5560  防毒面罩头带  Gas mask head strap 

868.5570  非再呼吸性面罩  Nonrebreathing mask 

868.5580  氧气面罩  Oxygen mask 

868.5590  换气面罩  Scavenging mask 

868.5600  文氏管面罩  Venturi mask 

868.5610  长期肺部支持用的膜式肺  Membrane lung for long-term pulmonary support 

868.5620  呼吸吹口  Breathing mouthpiece 

868.5630  喷雾器  Nebulizer 

868.5640  药用非换气式喷雾器 (雾化器)  Medicinal nonventilatory nebulizer (atomizer) 

868.5650  食道闭塞器  Esophageal obturator 

868.5655  便携式液氧装置  Portable liquid oxygen unit 

868.5665  动力叩诊器  Powered percussor 

868.5675  再呼吸设备  Rebreathing device 

868.5690  刺激用肺活量计  Incentive spirometer 

868.5700  非动力氧气帐  Nonpowered oxygen tent 

868.5710  电动氧气帐  Electrically powered oxygen tent 

868.5720  支气管套管  Bronchial tube 

868.5730  气管套管  Tracheal tube 

868.5740  气管/支气管差异性换气管  Tracheal/bronchial differential ventilation tube 

868.5750  充气式气管套管袖带  Inflatable tracheal tube cuff 

868.5760  袖带涂铺器  Cuff spreader 

868.5770  气管套管固定装置  Tracheal tube fixation device 

868.5780  套管导入镊子  Tube introduction forceps 

868.5790  气管套管探针  Tracheal tube stylet 

868.5795  气管套管清洁刷  Tracheal tube cleaning brush 

868.5800  气管切开插管和套管袖带  Tracheostomy tube and tube cuff 

868.5810  导气管连接器  Airway connector 

868.5820  牙齿保护器  Dental protector 

868.5830  自体输血装置  Autotransfusion apparatus 

868.5860  压力管道系统和附件  Pressure tubing and accessories 

868.5870  非再呼吸阀  Nonrebreathing valve 

868.5880  麻醉剂蒸发器  Anesthetic vaporizer 

868.5895  连续式呼吸器  Continuous ventilator 

868.5905  非连续式呼吸器 (IPPB)  Noncontinuous ventilator (IPPB) 

868.5915  手动急救呼吸器  Manual emergency ventilator 

868.5925  电动急救呼吸器  Powered emergency ventilator 

868.5935  外用负压呼吸器  External negative pressure ventilator 

868.5955  间歇式强制换气附件  Intermittent mandatory ventilation attachment 

868.5965  正呼气末压式呼吸附件  Positive end expiratory pressure breathing attachment 

868.5975  呼吸器管道系统  Ventilator tubing 

868.5995  T型排水管 (脱水器)  Tee drain (water trap) 

G亚部 ――其它器械(Miscellaneous) 

868.6100  麻醉柜、桌或托盘  Anesthetic cabinet, table, or tray 

868.6175  心肺急救车  Cardiopulmonary emergency cart 

868.6225  鼻夹  Nose clip 

868.6250  便携式空气压缩机  Portable air compressor 

868.6400  校准气体  Calibration gas 

868.6700  麻醉凳  Anesthesia stool 

868.6810  气管支气管吸引导管  Tracheobronchial suction catheter 

868.6820  患者体位支持器  Patient position support 

868.6885  医用气体连接部件  Medical gas yoke assembly 


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