【摘要】 目的评价围术期应用沐舒坦对全麻插管后婴幼儿呼吸道的保护作用。方法选择ASAⅠ级全麻插管机械通气下行外科手术患儿40例,随机分为沐舒坦组和对照组。沐舒坦组以0.3mg·kg-1沐舒坦加入生理盐水10ml缓慢静脉注射,2次/日,对照组以生理盐水10ml缓慢静脉注射,2次/日。两组均从术前2d开始至术后3d结束,共6d。所有患儿均使用同一种抗生素,剂量按公斤体重给予,给予相同的护理措施。观察记录患儿拔管时气道分泌物情况及手术当天至手术后3d内呼吸道分泌物情况。结果两组患儿手术后当天及第1天,沐舒坦组在咳嗽、痰量、咳痰容易程度方面同对照组相比,差异有统计学意义。结论围手术期应用沐舒坦能显著改善全麻气管插管后婴幼儿呼吸道痰液的粘稠度,增加气道分泌物的排出,术后呼吸道的不良反应较轻。
【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the protective effects of ambroxol on infantile respiratory tract in perioperation period after general anesthesia intubation. Methods Selected 40 infants with mechanical ventilation, who were operated under ASA grade Ⅰ general anesthesia intubation. Then these infants were dividied at randome into ambroxol treatment group(n=20),and control group (n=20); In treatment group, according 0.3 mg.kg-1 dasage, ambroxol was mixed with 10 ml physiological saline, the solution was slow given with venoinjection Bid. In control group only was given 10 ml physiological saline, also slow venoinfection Bid. The injection was from 2-day before the operation to 3-day after the operation termination, altogether 6-day. All the infants were given a same antibiotic, dosage according to infantile body weigth. At the same time their nursing care, as an example, oxygen inhalation, aspiration out of sputa and beat back etc, also was the same. The secreta condition of respiratory tract in perioperation was observed and recorved. Results There was obviously difference immediately in respiratory tract secreta volume and its viscocity between the two groups, in the operation day immediately and first day after the operation, as compared with control group, cough frequency, sputa volume and easiness degree of expectoration in treatment group were significantly different from control group when trachea cannula was removal. Conclusions Application of ambroxol in perioperation period could obviously improve sputa viscosity, promote excretion of secreta from respiratory tract ,and unwell reaction of respiratory tract also is slight after the operation.
出处:中国知网 http://www.cnki.net/kcms/detail/ ... 006&uid=&p= |