During surgery in infants, as in all patients, it is desir-able to avoid both inadequate and excessive doses of
anesthesia. Inadequate doses result in intra-operative
distress, whereas excessive doses may cause cardiore-spiratory depression. In the past decade, evidence has
accumulated of neuronal apoptotic effects of anesthe-sia on the developing brains of animals (1,2). To date,
there are no comparable data in humans (3), but if, in
the future, minimisation of anesthesia dose is consid-ered important, a monitor of anesthesia depth may
become valuable in infants. Processed electroencepha-lography (EEG) and other monitors of conscious level
have been developed in adults but are not reliably
applied to infants because the infant EEG is different.
Because young infants do not communicate, any moni-tor developed for infants will need to be tested against
a validated scale or descriptive tool of behavior related
to consciousness.
Defining awakening from anesthesia in infants: a narrative
review of published descriptions and scales of behavior
Michael R. J. Sury1 & Matthew D. Bould |