本帖最后由 shenxiu2 于 2010-9-23 23:40 编辑
Anesthesia is a state of unconsciousness induced in an animal. 麻醉是一种无意识状态的动物致1。 The three components of anesthesia are analgesia (pain relief), amnesia (loss of memory) and immobilization . The drugs used to achieve anesthesia usually have varying effects in each of these areas. 组成部分的三个镇痛麻醉(疼痛), 健忘 (记忆力衰退期)和固定 。用来实现的麻醉药品通常有不同的影响,对这些地区在每一个。 Some drugs may be used individually to achieve all three. Others have only analgesic or sedative properties and may be used individually for these purposes or in combination with other drugs to achieve full anesthesia. 有些药物可单独使用,以实现所有3。其他止痛或镇静只有性能和使用麻醉,可单独为实现这些目的全部或结合其他药物。
Curariform skeletal muscle relaxants or neuromuscular blockers ( eg succinylcholine, decamethonium , curare, gallamine, pancuronium ) are not anesthetics and have no analgesic effects. Curariform骨骼肌肉松弛剂或神经肌肉阻滞剂( 如琥珀,decamethonium,箭毒,gallamine,潘库溴铵 )没有麻药,没有镇痛作用。 They may only be used in conjunction with general anesthetics. Normally, artificial respiration must be provided. 他们可能只能用于麻醉药联同一般。一般情况下,必须提供人工呼吸。 Physiologic monitoring methods must also be used to assess anesthetic depth, as normal reflex methods will not be reliable. 生理监测方法还必须用来评估麻醉深度,为正常反射的方法,并不可靠。
It is important to realize that anesthesia is not a simple thing. 重要的是要认识到,麻醉是不是一个简单的事情。 It has profound effects on an animal's physiology because of the generalized central nervous system effects as well as specific effects on all other body systems. 它具有系统的影响深远影响动物的神经的生理由于广义中心以及身体系统的具体影响所有其他。 Thus, while anesthesia is necessary to prevent pain or distress in research animals, it must not be ventured into lightly. 因此,虽然是必要的,以防止麻醉疼痛或痛苦的动物研究,绝不能轻易涉足。 It is important to learn about the drugs you will be using and about the physiology of the animal you will be monitoring. 重要的是要了解你将要使用的药物和对动物生理的影响,你会被监测。 Specific anesthetic drugs and their use are detailed below. All drug dosages are listed in RAR's formulary . Click here for RAR's Standard Post-Operative Analgesic Regimens for Sheep, Pigs, and Dogs. 具体麻醉药品及其使用详情如下。药物剂量是所有上市的RAR 处方 。
出处:Anesthesia, Analgesia and Sedation
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